Courses by Terra Firma Builders

Join the evolution in building science!

Earlybird 10%OFF Coupon: JUNE10RE (Expires April 2, 2025)

Canada Course - Register Now

SIREWALL USA COURSE REGISTRATION! March 31st – April 4th, 2025
Earlybird 10%OFF Coupon: SPRING10 (Expires February 22, 2025)

USA Course - Register Now

Rammed Earth Seminar & Practicum Course


  • Five day practicum – Get your hands dirty, learning the mixing, delivery, forming, ramming and form-stripping phases of our SIREWALL system. Experience the construction of an active SIREWALL build.
  • Online Classroom – To maximize the hands on practicum, we are creating an online component, providing you the opportunity to study the history, vocabulary and the science and theory of structural Rammed Earth.
  • Personal Project Consultation – Discuss your dream project in an individual consultation with one of our SIREWALL master builders.
  • Visit and tour completed SIREWALL homes. 

What is included and not included:


We provide breakfast and lunch to participants during the course. We will do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions.

Lodging & Transportation

Are not included in the course registration fee. We are happy to offer guidance on lodging and transportation services in each course location.

Recommended Gear

We provide all necessary tools and equipment. We ask that you bring your own PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) including: steel toe boots, safety glasses, work gloves, work appropriate clothing you don’t mind getting dirty.

Joss Krayenhoff (SIREWALL Master Earth Mason, Owner of Terra Firma Builders Ltd.) hosts this multi-day course featuring SIREWALL’s industry leading techniques and building systems.

When: June 2nd – 6th, 2025

Location: Saltspring Island, BC

Contact us before registering for student and group (3 or more participants) rates

Canada Course - Register Now

Earlybird 10% OFF Coupon JUNE10RE (Expires April 2, 2025)

Course Overview:

In the in-person Practicum

  • Experience hands-on building of the SIREWALL system. Including hands-on forming, delivery, pneumatic ramming, capping and form stripping of a SIREWALL.
  • Converse with our highly skilled and knowledgeable team on the unique aspects of regenerative design.
  • Investigate all your design and engineering questions for that dream project.
  • Gain insight on how rammed earth is built in your climate, based on our team’s range of global building experience.
  • Receive personal attention in one on one sessions regarding your project.

In our online content

  • Learn the history, science and theory of rammed earth construction culminating in the creation of the SIREWALL system. We’re proud to share our  journey to success—warts and all!
  • Immerse yourself, in your own time, in the vocabulary and terms of rammed earth building.
  • Take our curated, virtual trip around the world to understand the global rammed earth context and SIREWALL’s place within it.

Put your ideas in motion to build the world you wish to see.

Course FAQs

What will students learn by taking a course?

Students will learn exactly what they came to learn. It is extremely rare that participants leave with unanswered questions, despite some of them coming with very long lists! The main benefit to the amount of group-learning we offer is that participants leave with answers, even to questions they hadn’t yet thought to ask.

Who are the courses designed for?

The courses are designed for people from all walks of life.

Those who have already benefitted from our courses include:

  • architects
  • building inspectors
  • developers
  • DIYers
  • engineers
  • environmental ambassadors
  • first-time builders
  • green-building enthusiasts
  • interior designers
  • technologists
  • tradespeople.

What people get out of the course is driven by what they want to learn. For some people the engineering segment is the most interesting, while others benefit most from touring houses we’ve built.

Some people love the networking with like minded individuals, while others are moved and enlightened by the depth and breadth of our green conversations.

Those who continue on to the practicum gain a deep and tactile understanding of the inherent pleasure in building in a way that not only aligns up with their values, but that is also a fun team-based endeavour.

What is shared by almost all participants is the realization that what is now possible in building goes far beyond what conventional building offers.

Why do you teach SIREWALL?

We became disillusioned with conventional homebuilding and made the move to SIREWALL. It is so important that people stop building toxic, disposable homes as such practices wreak havoc on the environment and are largely responsible for climate change. Building with SIREWALL is a sustainable solution that can lead to positive change, and we’re passionate about spreading the word.


SIREWALL is a proprietary engineered sandstone wall – capable of extremely high strength for nearly any structural or decorative application, with high R-values for superior thermal performance in any climate region. Simply put, it is rammed earth reconsidered and brought into the modern age.

How is SIREWALL superior to other forms of rammed earth?

The SIREWALL system relies upon a series of advances protocols that make rammed earth strong enough to compete with concrete as a structural material and thus make it possible to design anything from a small garden wall to large commercial buildings with the many beneficial qualities of rammed earth, previously only available to residential construction. SIREWALL Inc.’s technology is the only rammed earth system in the world capable of tall, load-bearing commercial applications, and it outperforms other types of rammed earth in many other ways — learn more at (link opens new tab).

The longest, tallest and strongest rammed earth walls in the world are all SIREWALL.

Your goal may not be to build a 100-foot tall rammed earth tower, but this technically rigorous course will give you an intimate understanding of how and why rammed earth works—and what it takes to make it great, at any scale!

“Rammed earth is easy to do—but difficult to do well.” –Meror Krayenhoff, SIREWALL inventor

What is our payment and cancellation policy?

Payment is due upon registration. Full Refunds are available up to one month prior to start of the course minus a $200 processing fee. If you cancel within the month there will be no refund given.

We are legally obligated to operate in accordance with the current BC Gov’t and Health Canada’s regulations for Covid19. If the course cannot go forward due to further restrictions, on behalf of our Governments, we reserve the right to cancel. If cancellation occurs due to Covid19 at anytime, you will be refunded the course fee, minus a $200 processing fee which will reserve your place for the next possible course.  

Course Schedule & Logistics


Sample Daily Schedule

*Individual sessions with a SIREWALL Master Builder and with a SIREWALL Rammed Earth Architect will be ongoing throughout the course.

Day 1:

  • Safety procedures discussion and demonstration
  • Classroom session on rammed earth building, the SIREWALL system and forming
  • Build formwork
  • Install formwork
  • Introduction to mixing, delivering and ramming

Day 2:

  • Classroom session on SIREWALL consulting
  • Break into rotating small groups for mixing, delivering and ramming
  • Small group session on sustainable design with Expert Rammed Earth Architect

Day 3:

  • Break into rotating small groups for mixing, delivering and ramming
  • Special details
  • Small group session on DIY rammed earth building
  • Remove formwork from Wall 1

Day 4:

  • Complete Wall 1 analysis
  • Break into rotating small groups for mixing, delivering and ramming
  • Small group session on rammer and equipment maintenance

Day 5:

  • Remove formwork from remaining completed wall(s) 
  • Completed wall analysis
  • SIREWALL Rammed Earth Q&A

Canada Course - Register Now

Photos from past courses on Salt Spring Island, BC

Praise for our courses from our wonderful attendees