Terra Firma Builders
Terra Firma Builders has been in the design and construction business for 25 years and has developed the logistics for delivering an exceptional product (SIREWALL) that out-performs all other rammed earth on the market.
As world leaders in implementing this technology, we are keen to share it with the right people in order to have a bigger positive impact on the global environment and the built environment.
Learn about our incredibly popular courses that teach you how to build the best rammed earth on earth.
Terra Firma Builders is a small, family owned company and the world leader in implementing SIREWALL technology. Building with an environmentally-sound system such as SIREWALL is how we express respect towards future generations as well as the environment that nourishes us.
We started out in the early 1990s exclusively as builders, but have since evolved into an organization that is passionate about helping others utilize SIREWALL technology.
Check out our entire portfolio and see more of what we do best!
This company is a virtuous powerhouse of ideals, integrity, innovation and commitment to excellence.
Great air quality. Health much improved. Our daughter’s asthma disappeared.
Would we hire Terra Firma Builders again? In a heartbeat!
It is not just a different building concept, it is a different mindset and philosophy.
Thank you. I really value your expertise and advice… that alone is worth the builder’s package!
This course is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in creating a building that works with the environment – with positive impacts from a personal to a global level.
The time is now for rammed earth…Really!